Memcached is a content caching platform, which is used to supercharge the overall performance of database-driven Internet sites by caching the requests and the responses between the visitor and the server. In simple terms, anytime a given web page on such a website is requested, the script calls its database to get the information that should be shown to the visitor. If the latter clicks on a hyperlink to open a different page, the whole procedure is performed again and this results in a lot of database calls and higher load on the server, even more so if the website has a lot of concurrent visitors. Memcached "remembers" this exchange of information, so in case any of these pages is accessed again, the script no longer needs to request any data from the database, as everything is delivered by the Memcached platform. Thus, the overall speed of your website will increase and you will have more gratified visitors and they’ll be able to surf through your website faster. Moreover, Memcached "refreshes" its cache when any data in the database is altered, so the visitors will never end up seeing out-of-date data.
Memcached in Cloud Hosting
If you host script-powered sites in a cloud hosting account with our company, you’ll be able to add the Memcached object caching system to your shared hosting package with only a couple of clicks of the mouse from your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The upgrade will be available momentarily and, since the PHP extension required for it is pre-installed on our advanced cloud platform, you can begin using it straight away. To give you more flexibility, we offer two separate upgrades related to the number of instances (in other words – how many websites will use Memcached) and to the amount of system memory that Memcached will use. The latter is offered in increments of 16 megabytes and you can add memory as many times as you need. Logically, the more memory the Memcached caching system is allowed to use, the more data it will cache, so if you run a traffic-hungry site with a lot of data, you may require more memory in order to be able to make the most of the power that Memcached can give you.
Memcached in Semi-dedicated Servers
In case you decide to host your Internet sites in a semi-dedicated server account, you can take advantage of Memcached effortlessly, since the distributed memory object caching platform’s activation takes a few clicks of the mouse from the Hepsia Control Panel. The PHP extension that it requires is pre-installed on our semi-dedicated servers, so you can begin using Memcached as soon as you add it to your account. You’ll be able to choose how many websites can use it and how much data can be cached, in other words – there’re two different features that can be upgraded – the number of instances and the memory. You can order more of both, so if one of your Internet sites becomes very busy, for example, you can always add more memory to it. Our system is amazingly flexible in this regard and we do not tie a specific number of instances to a pre-defined amount of system memory. You can take advantage of the Memcached caching platform to increase the loading speed of any script-driven website, including those based on popular Internet applications, such as WordPress or Joomla.
Memcached in VPS Servers
If you obtain a VPS server from us, you will be able to use Memcached at no additional fee, as the distributed memory object caching platform comes with all VPSs that are ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Even if you run resource-hungry sites, you will be able to improve their overall performance without any effort and the reduced load on the VPS will allow you to keep your current Virtual Private Server plan rather than migrating to a more powerful one. The amount of memory that the Memcached caching platform can use to store content depends on the plan that you are using, but even with a lower-end one, you’ll have at least several hundred megabytes, which is considerably more than what you’d get with a shared hosting package, so the website performance boost will be incredible. You can take advantage of Memcached with any database-driven application, no matter if you have written it on your own or you’re using a ready-for-use one like Joomla, WordPress or OpenCart.
Memcached in Dedicated Servers
You can take advantage of the full potential of Memcached with each dedicated server offered by us if you select Hepsia as your hosting Control Panel. A special Control Panel section is dedicated to the content caching system and you can start using Memcached for any website hosted on the dedicated machine with just a few clicks. You can optimize the performance of any website, irrespective of what script-powered app you rely on or how heavy the website is, as the minimum amount of memory that Memcached will be able to use is 3 gigabytes and this amount rises immensely with the higher-end dedicated servers. Shortly after the caching system is enabled, it will begin caching content every time somebody accesses your site, so, as soon as enough data has been cached, you’ll perceive the decreased load on your dedicated server and the improved overall performance of the Internet site. The Memcached caching system is being used by lots of websites, among them famous portals like Zynga, Wikipedia and Reddit, which is a confirmation of the efficiency of the Memcached caching system.